Rpp Bahasa Inggris Sd

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Sd

  1. Rpp Bahasa Inggris Sd Kelas 6 Kurikulum 2013

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RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Nama sekolah:. Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester:.

Jenis teks: Decribtive Teks Tema: My Home Town Aspek/Skill: Reading Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 40 menit A. Standar Kompetensi  Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan. Kompetensi Dasar  Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan esai pendek dan sangat Sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima. Indikator -Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi rinci dalam teks descriptive -Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive.Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika teks descriptive.Melafalkan kata, frasa dan kalimat dengan baik dan benar -Membaca kata, frasa dan kalimat dengan intonasi yang benar -Membaca nyaring teks descriptive D. Teks tertulis (Teks terlampir seperti pada handout 1) b. Kosakata Baru. Small town 2.

The town green 3. Palace Teks 2: 1.

Beautifull green grace 4. Scene  Defensi Descriptive teks: Descriptive Text / The descriptive text is text that describe, illustrate, or elaborate on something, such as objects, persons or certain places.  Characteristic of decriptive teks: -Discriptive text using the simple present tense.Discriptive text using a variety of adjectives that are describing. Numbering, classifying such as tow strong legs, sharp white fanction.Text Relating discriptive use verbs to provide information about the subject, such as my mum is Really cool, it has very thick fur, and so on.Discriptive text using verbs thinking and feeling verbs to express the author’s personal views about the subject, for example belive the police supect is aarmed, I think it is a clever animal, and so on.Discriptive text also uses adverbs to provide additional information about the behavior or trait (adjective) are described, for example, it is extremely high. Example: Handout 1 My Small Town Sambas is a small town in my Province, West Kalimantan.

It is about 250 kilometers from Pontianak, the capital of West Kalimantan. The Sambas River flows through Sambas town. That makes the town green and beautiful. Most of the people in Sambas works as farmers or fishermen.

The Sambas River is very important in their lives. A small market on the river buy sells food to the people who cannot go to the market in the center of the town. In Sambas, farmers plant rice in padi field, and grow coffee tree. The fishermen catch fish in the river. Most of the population of Sambas are Muslim.

There is an old mosque by the river near the palace of Sambas. This mosque was build by the King of Sambas.

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Sd Kelas 6 Kurikulum 2013

Friday is a holy day in Sambas, so the Muslim people go to the mosque, and they say their prayers. The people in Sambas love their town. They are very happy because Sambas is crowded with beautiful things. Metode Pembelajaran: Three phase technique F.Langkah –Langkah kegiatan a. Kegiatan awal 1. Guru memperlihatkan foto kota Sambas untuk memotivasi siswa mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar.

Guru mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi yang akan dibahas sebagai motivating strategy. Misal: – Do you know where is it?

– Have you ever go to Sambas? – What do you think about this picture? Siswa memperhatikan gambar yang di perlihatkan 4.Siswa menjawab pertanyaan –pertanyaan yang diberikan guru. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran b. Kegiatan Int i Kegiatan Modelling 1.

Guru membaca teks dengan nyaring sebagi model. Guru membaca teks kembali diikuti siswa.

Guru menjelaskan isi teks yang dibahas secara umum. Misal: – Penjelasan tentang bagian dalam text descriptive 4. Guru membahas kosakata baru kepada siswa.

Guru menjelaskan cara menemukan makna dari kalimat dalam teks tersaji didalam teks descriptive tersebut. Guru membahas gagasan utama (main idea) dari teks yang telah dibaca.

Guru menjelaskan cara menemukan informasi rinci dalam teks bacaan. Guru memberikan latihan ( handout1) kepada siswa yang dikerjakan berkelompok. Siswa menyimak penjelasan guru 10. Siswa mencatat kosakata yang telah disortir oleh guru. Siswa mencatat point-point penting untuk setiap pembahasan yang dijelaskan oleh guru. Siswa menanyakan hal-hal yang belum jelas. Siswa mengerjakan latihan (handout 2) c.

Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran 2. Menugaskan siswa untuk menulis descripsi keluarga masing-masing 3.

Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran berikutnya G. Sumber Belajar. Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris H.

Teknik: tes tertulis 2. Bentuk: pertanyaan tertulis 3. Instrumen: I. Read the following texts carefully and answer the questions!

Lampiran Handout 1 INDIVIDUAL CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL My Hometown Alexandria is the second biggest city in my country, Egypt, and I live in this city. It is a beautiful city, and people there are very kind and polite. Tourists like to visit my city because it is on the sea. When I walk down the Kornash, the largest street, I see the beautiful blue sea and sky, and the beautiful green grass and trees.

In the spring, the flowers grow in many colors: yellow, red, and blue. The most beautiful scene is the white birds. In the winter, a very big flock of birds migrates to this place. I watch them while they skillfully fish from the sea. The birds watch the fish, and they wait patiently for a long time. When the fish come to the surface, they fly quickly and catch them.

In the fall, the city looks like a very old man because the leaves of the trees fall from the trees. That is my city, and I think it is the most beautiful city in the world. Handout 2 My city My city, Huanzu, is a famous and beautiful city in China, and it is famous all over the world. It is set between the river and West Lake. Several hills spread around West Lake, and some mountains stand by the river. These give the city many beautiful scenes, and so Huanzu is famous for its beauty.

It is beautiful in the spring when the trees bud green and the peach trees flower with their red blossoms. It is beautiful in the fall when the leaves turn yellow and red. And it is beautiful in the winter when the snow gives white clothes to the mountains. So Huanzu is beautiful all year. It is beautiful when the sunshine is bright because the hills make shadows in the lake.

It is beautiful when the rain falls and makes the frogs rise from the lake. My city is always beautiful. Read the following texts carefully and answer the questions! Chemong is a male regular house cat. He is an adorable cat. He has orange fur with white and black spots.

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Sd

He has black patches around his eyes, that’s why, I call him chemong. I like to cuddle him because his fur feels soft. Chemong is an active animal. He likes to run around the house. He likes to chase everyone in my house. When he feels sleepy and tired, Chemong usually sleeps on the sofa in the livingroom or sometimes under the table. What does the text tell you about?

What is the main idea of the second paragraph? How does Chemong look like?

Why does the writer call him Chemong? What does the word I refer to? Vanessa Mae is a famous musician. She is only sixteen years old, but she is a world-famous violinist. When she plays classical violin concertos on her electric violin, the world listens. Vanessa Mae is Thai-Chinese. Her mother is Chinese and her natural father is Thai.

She is from Singapore, but she now lives in London with her mother and her English step father. What is the goal of the text? Who is Vanessa Mae? What musical instrument does she play? Where does her mother live now? Which part of the text is identification? STUDENTS’ WORKSHEET SESSION 1 1.

Read the text carefully and answer the following questions! Dea, Dea is a very good and helpful student. She is in Year Seven at Purnama Junior High School. She is very good a t Mathematics, English and Science. Her friends often ask for her help to solve math problems. Now she is thirteen years old.

Her hair is long. She is not fat. She is diligent and kind. She is also helpful to her friends. She likes reading stories, cycling and playing badminton 1. What kind of student is Dea? What school does she go?

What subjects is she good at? How old is Dea? How does she look? Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable descriptions! The Central Police wanted for robbery Marchel.

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Sd

He had robbed a bank in a city. He is twenty eight years old. One meter seventy cm. He is sixty five kg of weight. He has long wavy and black hair. His ears are big.

He usually has a beard and a moustache. He sometimes wears glasses. He has a scar above his left eye. MARCHEL’S DESCRIPTION Age:. Other informations:.

SESSION 2 Read the following text and identify: 1. The goal of the text 2. The text parts (identification and description)! All the adjectives Andien, A Talented Singer Andien or Andini Aisyah Hariadi is a talented singer with beautiful voice. Andien is twenty years old. She has straight dark hair. She has dark brown eyes and a round face.

My Bombi Bombi is my playful black cat. My Bombi is small but fat. It has soft fur. The fur is black. Bombi has long tail. Its eyes are round.

It looks cute. It is always near me. This cat is always playful. It likes playing witj anything.

It sometimes plays with me. It likes playing with a ball very much. It is very clever. Sometimes it is very naughty.

Describe your person! His/her name is. He/she Is years old Is (nationality) Speaks (language) Is from. Is single/married Has children/.

Daughter(s) and son(s) Likes + ing Doesn’t like +ing What does he/she look like? He/she Is tall/short Is fat/ skinny Has long/short hair Has black/brown/red/blond/gray hair Has brown/blue/green eyes (Has a mustache/ a beard) 1. Put these sentences into good order! – He has an oval face and dark brown eyes – He is still young, just 24 years old – San is a famous actor – He has very short hair.

Rpp Bahasa Inggris Sd

Metti Oli Serial Full Episodes

Metti Oli Serial Full Episodes

. C.U.Muthuselvan. Directed by Creative director(s) Starring Vanaja Revathi Priya Theme music composer Opening theme 'Ammi Ammi Midhithu' (Vocal) (Lyrics) Country of origin Original language(s) ( Original Version) ( Dubbed as Mettala Savvadi) No. Of seasons 08 No.

Watch metti oli serial final episode online 2 Watch Series/TV Shows Online for Free. Watchepisodes is the #1 Channel for your TV Show Streaming With Full Episodes. Metti Oli ( Tamil: மெட்டி ஒலி, literally: Tune sound) is a Tamil soap opera that aired Monday through Friday on Sun TV. It is a Prime time serial from 5 June 2002 to 17 June 2005 at 6:00PM IST for 810 episodes.

Of episodes 811 Production Producer(s) S. Siddique, Raja Kaveri, Mani Production location(s) Cinematography Sevilaraja Sarath.K.Chandran Editor(s) M.Jaya Kumar Camera setup Running time approx.

30-32 minutes Production company(s) Cine Times Entertainment Release Original network Original release 8 April 2002 ( 2002-04-08) – 14 October 2005 ( 2005-10-14) Chronology Preceded by Indhira 7.30PM 08.00PM Mangai 6.00PM5.30PM Followed by Muhurtham Related shows Mettala Savvadi Mangalya Minnukettu Akshantalu. This article contains. Without proper, you may see, misplaced vowels or missing conjuncts instead of Tamil script.

Metti Oli (The vibrance of metti, an ornament worn by married women) is a / bilingual that aired Monday through Friday on for 811 episodes. The Metti Oli team has been awarded several awards, including the from the.

The show is retelecast in (SGold) Moon TV from September 2018.Indhira is a serial which is belong to Cine times. The show starred, Kaveri, Gayathri, Vanaja, Uma, Joseph Kuruvilla, and among others. It was produced by Cine Times Entertainment S. Siddique, writer and director.

It was shot in several locations such as Village,. It was also aired in Channel on. It was also is being re-aired on Same Channel and aired Monday through Friday at 11:00AM.After the success of the serial director went on to do blockbuster movie named emtaan magan in 2006 and then he return to direct new serial named nathaswaram in 2009. Main characters.

as Chidambaram The story revolves around the lives and pains of his five daughters and eventually his. He is very patient and does not get easily provoked.

A land broker by profession, he is greatly respected by all. His wife died when his children were young so he brought them up to be very disciplined girls. At the end of the serial, Chidambaram died in an accident when he carelessly crosses the road in a depressed state of mind. Rekha vardaraj (Josephine). as Dhanamlakshmi, Chidambaram's eldest daughter She is married to her uncle, Bose: A woman who is full of love for her younger sisters but doesn't know how to show it. She is always in an argumentative mood and doesn't hesitate to make rude comments.

She is blessed with an understanding uncle-cum-husband and who tolerates her and they have a daughter. 'Gayathri as Saroja, Chidambaram's second daughter She is married to Manikam.

The couple has a son, Natarajan. Saroja resembles her father in always having patience. She is an easy target for victimization and bears domestic violence after her wedding to Manikkam. Saroja symbolizes the majority of middle-class woman in Indian society. Chidambaram's main worry in this world is Saro and her life.

She has a cruel mother-in-law, a violent husband, who uses violence to end any argument that he loses, and a jealous sister-in-law, Nirmala, who cannot bear to see Saro happy. Saro's brother-in-law, Selvam, is the only one who understands her. Vanaja as Leela, Chidambaram's third daughter She is married to Ravi: They have twin girls. Leela is a brave and smart woman. Even though her husband (who hid his first marriage and married with her; his first wife Gayathri Priya died because of his doubting character) suspects her constantly, she tolerates it. Her life is Chidambaram's second worry.

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She loved Selvam but did not marry him because of Selvam's mother Rajam, who tortured Saro. Her parents-in-law were a great support to her. Uma Maheshwari as Vijaya, Chidambaram's fourth daughter who is married to Gopi: She had registered marriage with a photographer, but he cheated her after their nuptial so she started disliking guys. She used to work as a nurse in a clinic. Viji gets married to Gopi, an ideal man. He is very loving, but whenever he tries to come close to her, she avoids him because she is reminded of her boyfriend.

But when he realises the truth and still consoles her she changes her attitude towards him and they have a son. Viji's mood always changes and Gopi hates that attitude. Revathi Priya as Bhavani, Chidambaram's youngest daughter She is very smart girl. She is the only one who is highly educated in their family.

She becomes a professor in Singapore towards the end of the serial. The show ends with Bhavani's wedding. as Bose, brother of Chidambaram's wife and husband of Dhanam He used to own a soda company but went bankrupt.

He is a very hardworking man. Whatever business he tries to start, there is a huge loss. At the end, Bose succeeds after many problems when he takes up his father-in-law's land broker profession.

as Manikam, husband of Saroja He is neither well-educated nor exposed to a civilized family environment. He sees his wife Saro as an outsider-insider and expects her to reflect his temper and mood all the time. Manikam is involved in the vegetable business. He had a relationship with a businessman's wife, Sarala, which continued for a while even after the wedding with Saro. Manikkam respects his father-in-law but is strongly bent by his love for his mother. Rajkanth as Ravi, husband of Leela The couple has twin girls. He is not happy with the babies because they are girls.

He suspects his wife even though she is very loyal to him. Ravi was married to Sumathy before he married Leela. He does not seem to think of Sumathy any more, but he is unnecessarily doubting that Leela always thinks of her ex-lover Selvam. Ravi's parents support Leela. Ravi sells electrical appliances. as Gopi He is the ideal husband. He was supposed to marry Nirmala but mistakenly thought Viji was his bride and started loving her.

He is very devoted to Viji; she avoids him at times. Gopi works in a sewing company. He helps Bose to get start a business of garments factory like him after training him in his own company.

Bose's company catches fire due to crackers burst outside. Gopi's father is very supportive. Gopi's siblings expect everything from him. Supporting characters. as Rajam, mother of Manikam, Selvam and Nirmala A young widow burdened with the task of rearing three children, she faced the world with resoluteness and a determination to succeed.

But this causes her to be too possessive over Manikkam and fears he would abandon her after marriage and tortures Saro. ' as Selvam, second son of Rajam, brother of Manikam and Nirmala A very sweet and understanding person. He loved Leela but did not get married with her because of his mother's character. He married Arundhati, but she left him and ran away with her boyfriend. At the end he agrees to marry Shakthi a far off relative and a staff in his lorry company who is madly in love with him for six years in spite of knowing his past love and marriage. Rindhiya(old) Rithika(new)/ Nirmala She is the only daughter of Rajam.

She is educated. She is married to Santosh and they have a daughter.

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She was in love with Ramesh and was snubbed by him, with the public humiliation that came with it. Nirmala was supposed to get married with Gopi, but he loved Viji. Santosh cheats on her and she changes her attitude towards supportive Saro and later decides to live independently and becomes a caretaker and therapist at a rehabilitation centre. Thiruselvam as Santosh, husband of Nirmala He is an educated guy. He keeps venturing into failing business ventures and uses his brothers-in-law as his financiers. He left his pregnant wife and went away. Ramesh, son of former boss of Manikam.

Nirmala loved Ramesh, but he did not reciprocate. Ramesh loves Bhavani until he flies to Singapore to meet her. Bhavani is not interested, and he becomes a drug-addict. At the end, Nirmala will help to bring back the old Ramesh and hence he decides to marry Nirmala who agrees after some initial hesitation. Kirthika as Arundhati, wife of Selvam.

She was forced by her parents to marry Selvam after they beat up her boyfriend and make her believe he ran away when they gave him money. She is a from a rich family. She ran away with her boyfriend after her marriage who cheats her and she goes back to her father. At the end she adopts a daughter. as Ilango who cheats Viji before her marriage.

as Shakthi who loves Selvam. as Sarala. Ramachandran as Sarala's husband.

Auditor Sundaram as Sundaram Mama Saro's uncle. as Gopi's father. Other cast. Rajam's old landlady who very affectionate to Saro (her son and daughter-in-law throw her out of their house). Manickam's boss Sivasami, his wife, daughter (Nirmala's friend) and son-in-law. Ravi's parents. Gopi's two sisters and their husbands, and a brother with an dominating wife, his niece and nephew.

Shakthi's parents and a brother. Arundhati's boyfriend's parents.

Santhosh's father and step-mother. A neighbour of Chidambaram who the girls consider their aunt (Athai). Chidambaram's friend Kasiraj, his wife and son, who gets his son married to Bhavani at the end. Harsha one who wanted to marry Bhavani but he was a bad guy, his thief mother and a father who was married to someone else. Leela's office staff, Gopi's old office staff and few more characters. The series has been remade into in as Mangalya on, as Minnukettu on, as on and as Akshantalu on.

But the story lines change in all four into different stories and all had a different climax. Country Language Channel Show Name Aired (Date) Notes India Mangalya Minnukettu April 23, 2010 - January 4, 2017 It was the first serial to air about 1000+ episodes on this channel (Number of episodes -1543) 27 February 2012 – 29 June 2012 Akshantalu 14 April 2014 - 1 August 2014 It was also Dubbed in as Mettala Savvadi aired same channel.

International broadcast.

Metti Oli Serial Full Episodes

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. 26 Answers SOURCE: I work on these every day. Its either gonna be the rotor or stater, the voltage regulator, but most likely its a bad stepper motor which is the throttle motor, or control board. Thats all that could be causing that so its one of those. If its the rotor or stater thats bad it causes the generator to RPM up because it thinks its not producing enough power due to that.

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